Meet the team

As an independent funding advisor we are able to review the whole of the financial market, taking your requirements and selecting the best product that suits your business and not the one that makes the funder the most money.

The world of finance can be confusing and over complicated. Knowing what is best for your business in regards to taxation and gearing can sometimes be overshadowed by lenders wanting you to take their particular funding package. Invariably this is not always the best solution for your business.

Our ethos is different – we believe that if we offer you the package that supports your business, its growth, and profitability then we are more likely to have a lasting relationship with you. Because of this we offer a full range of funding on a full portfolio of assets.

We have assembled a team from mixed financial backgrounds that all specialise in different areas of funding, by doing this we are able to pool our knowledge and offer you advice on the whole market.

Oak First Finance is part of the Oak First Group which offers full business services, from web solutions, marketing, business development, plant hire, vehicle rental, contract hire and rental. We are always happy to undertake a free of charge business assessment to see how we can benefit you.